Mount Martha Preschool offers 3 year old and 4 year old sessional Kinder programs.

We have structured our 4 year old programs to 2x long sessions, to meet the needs of the evolving family requirements of our Kindergarten community. With fewer children per group, each child can connect more closely with their peers and become more socially confident and comfortable.
Our schedule continues to put the children’s needs first by ensuring that each group of children engages with the same two teaching staff for their entire program, maintaining consistency and familiarity.
Timetable, dates, & fees
Timetable for 2024/2025
*subject to change

4 Year old Kindergarten/Preschool
We offer two groups (Red and Blue). Each taught by a 4-year degree qualified teacher with one qualified assistant educator. Each group has a maximum of 22 children.
3 Year Old Kindergarten/Preschool
We offer one 3 year old group (Purple) which runs over one 5.5-hour session a week. Please note that this group is taught by a 4-year degree qualified teacher and a qualified assistant educator. The group is capped at a maximum of 22 children.
(4 Yr Old)
START 8.30am
FINISH 4.00pm
(7.5 Hours)
Georgina McCallum
Jenny Weir
Lauren Kelly
(4 Yr Old)
START 8.30am
FINISH 4.00pm
(7.5 Hours)
Lauren Steward
Rebecca Wilkinson
Lauren Kelly
(3 Yr Old)
START 8:30am
FINISH 2.00pm
(5.5 Hours)
Lauren Steward
Rebecca Wilkinson
(4 Yr Old)
START 8.30am
FINISH 4.00pm
(7.5 Hours)
Georgina McCallum
Jenny Weir
Lauren Kelly
(4 Yr Old)
START 8.30am
FINISH 4.00pm
(7.5 Hours)
Lauren Steward
Rebecca Wilkinson
Lauren Kelly
(4 Yr Old)
START 8.30am
FINISH 2.30pm
(7.5 Hours)
(4 Yr Old)
START 8.30am
FINISH 4.00pm
(7.5 Hours)
(3 Yr Old)
START 8.30am
FINISH 2.00pm
(5.5 Hours)
(4 Yr Old)
START 8.30am
FINISH 4.00pm
(7.5 Hours)
(4 Yr Old)
START 8.30am
FINISH 4.00pm
(7.5 Hours)

Term dates 2024
Term 1 – Tuesday 29th January (school teacher start) – Thursday 28th March
Term 2 – Monday 15th April – Friday 28th June
Term 3 – Monday 15th July – Friday 20th September
Term 4 – Monday 7th October – Friday 20th December
Fee information for families
Under the government Best Start, Best Life initiative, 3-year-old children are funded up to 15 hours per week and 4-year-old children are funded for up to 30 hours per week.
Mount Martha Preschool will not be charging parents for your child’s enrolment.
How Do I Enrol My Child
2025 Kindergarten registrations open on Friday, 1 March 2024 at 9:00am and will close on Sunday, 21 July 2024
(‘late’ registrations will continue to be accepted after this date)

Families should visit to complete the
online registration form. There is no cost to register.
‘Sibling Priority’ will now apply to children who have had a sibling attend in either a 3YO or 4YO program at the same service in the preceding 3 years.
For further information please contact the Central Enrolments Team on 5950 1000 or by email at
When Is My Child Eligible to Attend?
Four-Year-Old Kindergarten:
If your child was born during | Your child is eligible to attend the 4-year-old program in |
May 1 2019 – April 30 2020 | 2024 |
May 1 2020 – April 30 2021 | 2025 |
May 1 2021 – April 30 2022 | 2026 |
Three-Year-Old Kindergarten:
To be eligible to attend 3-year-old kindergarten your child must turn 3 prior to the commencement of the kindergarten year.
2025 Offer Processing Timeline:
THREE and FOUR YEAR OLD changes of preference can be submitted via email until Sunday, 21 July 2024
Changes requested after this date will be deemed ‘late’ and processed after on-time registrations:
Week beginning Monday, 5 August 2024 | Four-Year-Old Kindergarten initial offers to be emailed to resident/ratepayer families |
Week beginning Monday, 12 August 2024 | Three-Year-Old Kindergarten initial offers to be emailed to resident/ratepayer families |
Wednesday, 14 August 2024 | Final day for Four-Year-Old Kindergarten families to accept or decline their initial offer |
Wednesday, 21 August 2024 | Final day for Three-Year-Old Kindergarten families to accept or decline their initial offer |
Beginning Wednesday, 28 August 2024 | Subsequent Three-Year-Old and Four-Year-Old Kindergarten offers to resident/rate payer families |
Friday, 6 September 2024 |
Kindergartens to be provided with lists of Three-Year-Old and |
Friday, 20 September 2024 |
Kindergartens to have completed their Three-Year-Old and |
Beginning Wednesday, 16 October 2024 |
Offers to ‘late’ resident/ratepayer Three-Year-Old and Four- |
Registrations from families who are not residents or ratepayers of the Mornington Peninsula Shire will be assessed on an individual basis. Offers may be issued once MPS residents/ratepayers have been placed.
Children With a Birth Date Between 1 January and 30 April:
Is Your Child Ready for Kindergarten or School?
Your child may be able to start kinder or school due to their age, but are they ready to embark on the next 13+ years of education?
Parents of children with birth dates between 1 January and 30 April may have an opportunity to delay their child’s kindergarten enrolment. If your child is in this category, we strongly advise that you speak with teaching staff, prior to enrolment, to have any questions and concerns about your child’s readiness or delayed start answered.
Please note, a second year of kindergarten is not automatic or guaranteed. Children are only eligible if the early childhood teacher has assessed that your child has significant developmental delays in at least two key areas of development. Maturity or a parental desire to postpone the start of primary school are not sufficient in themselves to receive a second funded year of kindergarten.

Choosing a Preschool: Checklist for Parents
Selecting a Preschool can be a big decision. Please use the Quality Checklist below and be confident that with Mt Martha preschool you have made an excellent choice
✓ |
Are all staff qualified? |
✓ |
Do teaching staff have a minimum 4-year teaching degree? |
✓ |
Do staff appear professional and enthusiastic? |
✓ |
Do staff engage in ongoing professional learning? |
✓ |
Are staff engaged in high-quality interactions and value relationships with children and families? |
✓ |
Does the preschool have a well-established history in the community? |
✓ |
Does the preschool access the local community and utilise services? |
✓ |
Does the philosophy align with the National/State curriculum? |
✓ |
Does the program combine play and learning? |
✓ |
Are children seen as active learners? |
✓ |
Are children respected, valued and viewed as capable and resourceful? |
✓ |
Are families welcome? |
✓ |
Can the preschool include children with diverse needs successfully? |
✓ |
Is health, hygiene and safety a priority? |
✓ |
Are facilities well maintained? |
✓ |
Is the outdoor environment interesting and challenging? |
✓ |
Is the indoor and outdoor environment valued equally? |
✓ |
Does the preschool a wide variety of learning resources? |
✓ |
Does the preschool value literacy, numeracy and language development? |
✓ |
Does the preschool value children’s ideas and opinions? |
✓ |
Does the preschool see learning in all activities, opportunities and experiences? |
✓ |
Does the preschool a philosophy on behaviour management that focusses on building a child’s capacity rather than discipline? |
✓ |
Are teachers available for regular feedback? |
✓ |
Is the preschool supported by a well-run committee? |
✓ |
Can families be involved in decision making? |
✓ |
Has the service been assessed as “Exceeding” the National Quality Standards? |
✓ |
Is there a comprehensive ‘orientation’ program for children? |
✓ |
Are group sizes small to maximise individualised attention? |
✓ |
Are sessions free of unnecessary interruptions, transitions and staff changes? |
✓ |
Will the same staff be responsible for each of your child’s sessions? |